When somebody asks my husband Cliff how he is, he typically says, "I've got a full tank of gas and I'm living in a free country," and in a way, that says it all. I think most Americans have some anxiety over this election, the negativity of it and the feeling that things are spiraling out of control. So I thought it might be time to refocus our attention, even if it's just for a moment, on what's so great about our nation and our people. I did my own survey of people around me, and here are some of their comments to the question, "What's the best thing about living in America?"
Mary Jo Steidler: Feeling free.
Curt Olson: That I can get up in the morning and do a job that I love, and not be forced to do something else.
Kevin Stanfield: The fact that we can worship whatever god we choose.
Kelly Feigitsch: The music. When I went to Ireland, London and Paris they played American music. That and the food.
Kristin Opheim (born in Norway): Opportunity. Think about it. We are so unexcited about all the resources we have around us. It's like a giant playground. Everybody else in the world gets excited about what we have here, but if you're born here you don't appreciate it.
Jordan Ziegler: Women's freedom, because in a lot of Third World countries that doesn't happen.
Rachel Chumley: Our freedom of speech.
Mandy Schaff: The ability to choose. Where we live, what we eat, who we vote for.
Darrell Olsen: That with hard work, determination and a plan, there's opportunity for all of us. We're not told in advance what we have to be.
J.R. Havens: We invented the hamburger....and the Second Amendment.
Renita Brannan: The freedom to be Christian, to be an entrepreneur, freedom of speech. God bless America!
Henry Blakes: Our access to education, because it gives you the chance to get wherever you want to go.
Alan Miller: Not having to worry about anything. You feel safe, secure and you can do whatever you want to do.
And me: I love life in this country, and while we are facing some challenges, I believe we are blessed to have been born here and privileged to live here.